Wednesday, 1 June 2011

925600 minutes

Today marks one year since I got on a plane and headed to Orlando for the summer of a lifetime and in 18 days I'll get to go back and do it again.

Right now I'm trying to find ways to kill time before I leave. In the last 2 months I've made 16 vlog episodes which is crazy when you think that that's nearly half of all the ones I've made. Obviously I have far too much free time on my hands right now. But if you needed further proof then here's what kept me occupied for 30 mins of today:

Hmmm maybe another Goofy's How to Guide is on the cards!

Having recommended that everyone buys their bedding from Walmart (which I still do btw) It occurred to me that I have some excess bedding lying around the house. My uni bedding actually came from Florida and as I have spare sets of home bedding without it I know I won't feel too bothered about taking it back there and then leaving it at the end of the summer, much like I did with the set I bought from Walmart last year. This is mostly a cost saving measure and I still fully intend to buy a 2-pack of pillows from Walmart for $8 when I arrive. If I wasn't happy throwing it out after 3 months though then I would just stick with the stuff from Walmart.

Today also marked group 3, aka May 31st-ers, fly date to Orlando. I'm trying to pretend that hasn't happened yet because so far no-one's had the chance to post on Facebook that they've arrived (early arrivals excluded). I think the last 2 weeks are going to be the hardest for me because Monday sees the departure of group 3.5 - the small gang of ICPs that get to work at Disney's Hilton Head Island Resort which include my super awesome sister aka Miss "I hate the food at the Three Broomsticks".

For now I leave you with what is quite possibly my favourite photo from the last 2 weeks. Enjoy!

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