Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Best Laid Plans

Today turned out to be a pretty empty one in terms of things we had to do. It was literally just the 30-60 mins spent doing job-related processing (getting our location, pay check card, etc). Note to Alumni: If you still have a valid Disney pay card bring it with you because they can just reuse the old one rather than giving you a new one which means you don't have to reactivate it again.

Depending on when your time slot was most people seemed to head to the pool so by the evening people were looking a lot redder. Seeing as I avoid any kind of sunbathing like the plague I chose to do a bit of Skyping, blogging and napping instead with the odd trip to Walgreens thrown in.

For the evening it was decided to head to the Boardwalk for some dinner and then go to the Polynesian to catch the fireworks at the Magic Kingdom. We all managed to get on the same bus (always an achievement when you're talking about 20 or so people trying to co-ordinate) and then had our first fail: Not getting off at the right stop! So we ended up at the Yacht and Beach Club, meandered through the hotel and then caught one of the Friendship boats over to the Boardwalk. 14 of us then ate at the Big River Grille & Brewing Works. There's a couple of photos on the facebook page of Perry enjoying himself at the Boardwalk for those that are interested.

At 9pm we could see Illuminations from our tables and it all came flooding back. So much so that I was able to predict each bit without hearing the music or seeing the globe. CRAZY!

At around 9:30pm it became obvious that we weren't going to make it to the Polynesian so we just enjoyed the rest of our meal before heading back to the bus

Tomorrow it's Traditions day and we seem to have been split into the morning and afternoon sessions based on the alphabet which is nice because the Vista Way and Chatham people get to officially mix. It looks like I know loads of people in my group as well - obviously I've befriended loads of people with last names starting with R to U!!! It also looks like the first 2 days of training I'll be spending with my fellow Animal Kingdom-er Steven. We have exactly the same schedule until Friday which is nice.

Advanced warning! I'm not sure exactly when i'll be posting tomorrow. I doubt anything too eventful will happen before Traditions and afterwards we'll probably be quickly heading into the parks. Keep an eye on the facebook page though because I'll probably try to upload the odd photo on there!

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